Make Data Yours:
Understand the impact of
reducing CO2 on the climate through Greenhouse Gas Analysis.

Make Data Yours:
Understand the impact of
reducing CO2 on the climate through Greenhouse Gas Analysis.

Make Data Yours:
Understand the impact of
reducing CO2 on the climate through Greenhouse Gas Analysis.

Our vision is to simplify GHG data to inspire informed climate action.

Our vision is to analyze GHG data and use storytelling to make it accessible and understandable for everyone. By demonstrating how climate data affects more than just climate change and sea level rise, we aim to enlighten people on the broader impacts and influences. This approach allows us to identify what can be mitigated through precise indicators, empowering individuals and communities to make informed decisions for a sustainable future.

“Thank you for joining a Tableau Community focused on driving climate action through data .”

Developed by Harim Jung | @VisualClimate

“Thank you for joining a Tableau Community focused on driving climate action through data .”

Developed by Harim Jung | @VisualClimate

“Thank you for joining a Tableau Community focused on driving climate action through data .”

Developed by Harim Jung | @VisualClimate